Wednesday, July 29, 2009

John's cousin from Holland

John's cousin Dave Dijkman is over from Holland at the moment and spent last Friday night at our place.
He has been travelling around Australia for the past 4 months and arrived in Perth a couple of weeks ago to see the family here before heading back home.

Hayley loved having Dave over, she had so much fun with him!

Dave, Hayley and John posing after Hayley had covered them in coloured tape.

Doing a perimeter walk around the property. They almost needed a packed lunch to do this walk apparently hehe

About lunchtime we headed off on a road trip. Our first stop was Western Range winery where John bought the finest wine available! Obviously the sales lady of the year works there!! Here Dave and Hayley are sharing a joke outside the winery.

Then we went to Kings Park and showed Dave beautiful Perth. It was the perfect day for it, nice and sunny!

And then it was onwards to Armadale where we all met for dinner at the manse. Beck is hiding there somewhere too :)

And then a night cap at Tony and Becks where I tried in vain to get a nice group shot of the boys. What was I thinking?!? After about 20 shots (I'm not kidding either!) this was the best I could come up with!
It was a great day and night and was nice to meet another one of John's cousins. Hopefully one day we can go to Holland and meet them all :)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a fun and entertaining weekend!
    Was great to go out for dinner altogether! Pitty it doesn't happy all that often. I guess then when it does happen it makes it even better! Pitty Son wasn't feeling well enough to join us!
    Love the way you have set up your blog, with the photo's of the 'farm'!
